MGMS Frank Blaney Award Nominations

To support postdoctoral and young independent researchers, and to remember MGMS founder member Dr Frank Blaney, the MGMS has established the Frank Blaney Award (formerly the Silver Jubilee Award). This is awarded to outstanding young researchers in the field.

Nominations are now sought for the MGMS Frank Blaney Award 2024. All aspects of each candidate’s contributions to the field of molecular modelling and related areas (covering computational molecular science, including the development of methods, scientific hypotheses and insights, research presentations, patents, software and algorithms) may be considered by the Award Committee.

Purpose: The purpose of the MGMS Frank Blaney Award is to benefit the field of molecular modelling and its research community, in particular, to support young researchers in the field and to increase recognition of MGMS. There are currently very few awards for young molecular modellers, compared to many awards for more ‘traditional’ physical chemistry.

Eligibility: Researchers in academia, non-profit research institutes, or in industry, with or without permanent positions, working in molecular modelling, simulation and visualization are eligible, provided the nominee has no more than 10 years of postdoctoral experience at the closing date. Exceptions due to career breaks may also be considered at the discretion of the Award Committee (any such circumstances should be made clear in the application).

Prize: A prize of £500 and a commemorative glass tankard will be awarded to the successful candidate at the discretion of MGMS, although if applications of high enough quality are not received, MGMS may decide not to bestow the Award in any given year.

Nominations: Candidates may be nominated by others or by themselves. To be considered, candidates should send the following submission material as a single combined PDF written in font no smaller than 11 pt Arial and with margins no smaller than 2 cm, to MGMS Chairperson at, no later than 8th  November, 2024:

•    a 1 page CV which might include, but is not limited to, an outline of qualifications including dates, employment history, successful grants/fellowships/awards, evidence of independence, committee work, editorial work, and/or review work;•    a 1 page statement of the applicant’s research achievements and vision;•    a 1 page summary of significant publications, patents, public outreach, and contributions to the MGMS community listed as bullet points with brief summaries in each case;•    a 1 page supporting statement/nomination letter. If you are self-nominating, you must provide a letter of support from someone else.

For more information, please visit