MGMS Lecture Tour, MGMS Prizes

MGMS Silver Jubilee Award

It was with great pleasure that the Chair of the MGMS, Prof. Philip Biggin, presented the 10th MGMS Silver Jubilee Award to Dr David Glowacki, from the University of Bristol. David was in Oxford as part of his MGMS Lecture Tour, and a jointly held with Comp Chem Kitchen and CCK-13.

MGMS Chair, Prof. Philip Biggin, presents Dr. David Glowacki with the 10th MGMS Silver Jubilee Award tankard at the MGMS Lecture Tour/CCK-13 at Oxford.


David also demonstrated his VR system with a molecular dynamics engine using the MMFF94 force field and two buckyballs that could be independently and simultaneously manipulated by two people:

MGMS Silver Jubilee Award Winner Dr David Glowacki demos VR at CCK-13 (Trimmed, 480p, 2)

Thankfully, no one threw up, fell over, or tripped off the stage! And everyone who tried it was impressed at how easy it was to manipulate the molecules and interact with the simulation.

Announcements, MGMS Prizes

MGMS Lecture Tour: David Glowacki in Oxford

We are  very pleased to announce Dr David Glowacki from the University of Bristol will be visiting Oxford as part of his MGMS Lecture Tour. He will be talking and giving live demonstrations of his molecular virtual reality system. He will also be presented with his MGMS Silver Jubilee Award.

10th MGMS Silver Jubilee Award tankard – David Glowacki

David’s talk and demo will be held in collaboration with the next “Comp Chem Kitchen”, CCK-13, at 5-6 pm on Thursday, November 29th, 2018, in the Large Lecture Theatre, Department of Statistics, 24-29 St Giles’, Oxford, OX1 3LB.

You can read more about David’s work in The New York Times.

If you’re curious and would like to try out molecular VR, please come along!

Free tickets are available, and refreshments will be provided, including beer.

MGMS Prizes, News

MGMS Silver Jubilee Award Winner in NY Times

Congratulations once again to our latest, 10th Silver Jubilee Award winner, Dr David Glowacki. He was just featured in The New York Times:

David will be giving this year’s MGMS Lecture Tour in November 2018, so stay tuned for details of where and when. He will be also demonstrating his VR and AR work, so you’ll hopefully have a chance to try it out. You can read more here:


Welcome to the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS) website. The Society was formed in 1981 to bring together scientists working in different fields of study (such as chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and computer science) who have a common interest in molecular modelling and graphics.

The MGMS is a charity run by volunteers (both from academia and industry) who also have a keen interest in the subject. The Society’s core activities involve the organising of conferences relevant to its community, as well as developing and encouraging scientists at the start of their careers. Anyone with an interest in the field can join, and members receive discounts on conferences and courses that are organised by the Society.