Conferences, Uncategorized

2024 MGMS Virtual Lecture Tour & AGM – Register now!

We are pleased to announce the 2024 MGMS Virtual Lecture Tour, featuring presentations from Judith Günther (Bayer),  Uta Lessel (Boehringer Ingelheim), Matthew Grayson (University of Bath, 2023 MGMS Frank Blaney Award Winner) and Andreas Bender (University of Cambridge & Pangea Bio). The event will take place on zoom on 11th November 2024, and will be followed by the MGMS AGM.

Register now!

We look forward to virtually seeing you there in November!

MGMS Frank Blaney Award 2024: Call for nominations

To support postdoctoral and young independent researchers, and to remember MGMS founder member Dr Frank Blaney, the MGMS has established the Frank Blaney Award (formerly the Silver Jubilee Award). This is awarded to outstanding young researchers in the field.

Nominations are now sought for the MGMS Frank Blaney Award 2024. All aspects of each candidate’s contributions to the field of molecular modelling and related areas (covering computational molecular science, including the development of methods, scientific hypotheses and insights, research presentations, patents, software and algorithms) may be considered by the Award Committee.

More details can be found here

Details of past winners can be found here.


Prof Brendan Howlin

Brendan Howlin

It is with great sadness that we have to report that Professor Brendan Howlin, the current MGMS Treasurer, passed away on 5th August. Brendan had been a member of the Society for many years, for the last six of which he served as Treasurer. He was a distinguished member of staff at the University of Surrey, where his research group pursued a broad range of interests in the field of molecular simulations and computational chemistry, including polymer modelling and drug design. The MGMS would like to offer its deepest condolences to Brendan’s family – he will be very sorely missed as a colleague and a friend.


Symposium: Computational Drug Design – A Tribute to Frank Blaney

October 4th, 2024 at GSK’s Medicines Research Centre in Stevenage

This symposium is organized in honour of Frank Blaney.  Frank was an early adopter of computational chemistry, championing its use in industry and was a founding member of the MGMS.  Known for his innovative work in molecular modelling and drug discovery, Frank’s many associations included Oxford University, Queen’s University Belfast, GSK, Sosei Heptares and the MGMS.

This meeting brings together leading scientists to discuss their pioneering work in utilizing computational methods to address a wide array of challenges in the biological sciences. The event serves as a platform to celebrate Frank’s legacy and inspire further advancements in the field.

More details can be obtained from

Conferences, Uncategorized

CCPBioSim & MGMS Conference in Newcastle – Register now!

It is our pleasure to announce that registration is now open for the 10th Annual CCPBioSim Conference, to be held jointly with the MGMS, on 1st-3rd July 2024, in Newcastle, UK.
This year’s CCPBioSim annual conference has the theme of molecular modelling in structure-based drug design and will showcase the latest relevant computational methods. We will explore the important interplay between simulation and experiment, and highlight case studies in computer-aided design from industry and academia.
Confirmed speakers:
Mohammed AlQuraishi, Columbia University
Joe Bluck, Bayer
Cecilia Clementi, Freie Universität Berlin
Marco de Vivo, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Antonia Mey, University of Edinburgh
Giulia Rossetti, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Giulio Tesei, University of Copenhagen
Frank von Delft, Diamond Light Source
The call for participants, and talk and poster contributions, is now open! You can find more details at the link below:
We look forward to seeing you in Newcastle!
Danny Cole, Agnieszka Bronowska, Natalie Tatum – the organising committee

AIR-2024 – Register now!

The MGMS is pleased to announce that registrations are now open for the “Adaptive Immune Receptors: Structural modelling and immunoinformatics” one-day conference, which will be hosted at the University of Oxford on April the 5th 2024. 
 Currently accepted speakers include: 
– Professor Peter Tessier (University of Michigan, MI; Keynote) 
– Professor Charlotte Deane (University of Oxford; Keynote) 
– Dr. Paula Dobrinic (Immunocore) 
– Dr. Joseph Watson (University of Washington, WA) 
– Dr. Monica Fernández-Quintero (Scripps Institute, CA) 
– Dr. Pietro Sormanni (University of Cambridge)
 Attendees are encouraged to submit a poster abstract by the 22nd March deadline. 
“Early bird” registration is available until March 4th.

Bob Langridge

The MGMS is saddened to hear of the death of Prof. Robert (Bob) Langridge on November 11th.

Bob, who has died at the age of 90, was a true pioneer of molecular graphics. His PhD work at the University of London was supervised by Maurice Wilkins, and included the first application of a stored program digital computer (the IBM 650) to the analysis of DNA structure. Working in Oxford, essentially as technical support for the strong group of crystallographers located there, he created some of the first images of molecular structures. He was largely responsible for developing methods to display depictions of molecules as solid surfaces rather than ball and stick representations.

Denied a full academic post in the U.K. he moved to California with a chair at the University of California, San Francisco, where he founded the Graduate Program in Bioengineering and created the UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory.

Bob will be much missed.

(Thanks to Prof. Graham Richards)