Announcements, Conferences

Announcing the 4th CCPBioSim/CCP5 Conference on Multiscale Modelling of Condensed Phase and Biological Systems

30th March – 1st April 2020
Manchester, UK

The early bird registration deadline for the 4th Manchester Multiscale Conference is coming soon (30 November 2019). The abstract submission deadline is 30 January 2020. Please see the CCPBioSim website for further details.

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Announcements, Conferences, Meetings

Announcing “Computational Drug Design: A Tribute to Frank Blaney”

June 17-19 2020, The Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K.

The MGMS is pleased to announce our scientific meeting to honor the life and work of Dr Frank Blaney, a well-known computational chemist who worked for many years in the pharmaceutical industry. Frank was a pioneer within the world of molecular modelling, particularly with respect to Drug Discovery. Not only did he contribute greatly to promoting science within academia but also in advancing commercial sectors for Drug Discovery.  Frank was actively involved in the development of approaches to model membrane bound proteins such as GPCRs, ion channels and transporters, and the application of these approaches in drug discovery. Frank was a founding member of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS), and over the years worked in a number of academic and commercial institutions including Oxford University, Queen’s University Belfast, as well as Beecham Pharmaceuticals, GSK and Heptares.

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Announcements, Conferences, Meetings

Announcing the AMMA MM2019 Conference

We are pleased to announce the Australasian chapter of the MGMS, AMMA (the Association of Molecular Modellers of Australasia), is organizing their premier conference on molecular modelling from December 5-8, 2019. It will be held on the beautiful resort island of Bintan (Indonesia), around an hour’s ferry ride from Singapore.

For more information, see

This is the first time that the MM conference is being hosted in Asia, and it will bring together an international audience at all stages of their careers. It will also feature the award lecture by the 2019 winner of the AMMA Medal. Themes of the conference will include:

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Announcements, MGMS Prizes

MGMS Lecture Tour: David Glowacki in Oxford

We are  very pleased to announce Dr David Glowacki from the University of Bristol will be visiting Oxford as part of his MGMS Lecture Tour. He will be talking and giving live demonstrations of his molecular virtual reality system. He will also be presented with his MGMS Silver Jubilee Award.

10th MGMS Silver Jubilee Award tankard – David Glowacki

David’s talk and demo will be held in collaboration with the next “Comp Chem Kitchen”, CCK-13, at 5-6 pm on Thursday, November 29th, 2018, in the Large Lecture Theatre, Department of Statistics, 24-29 St Giles’, Oxford, OX1 3LB.

You can read more about David’s work in The New York Times.

If you’re curious and would like to try out molecular VR, please come along!

Free tickets are available, and refreshments will be provided, including beer.